Welcome to Storm Canyon Music LLC/BMI

Artists to relate to, Music to Connect to

Featured Artist:
Gary Paul

*** IT'S HERE!! ***

THE PORT EDGERTON CHRONICLES is now available in paperback and ebook form on Amazon!

Want to support your local bookstore? They can special order it for you through Ingramspark. Just give them the title, the author, and this ISBN Number; 979-8886791310.

You can also get the paperback through Barnes and Noble or get the ebook through Goodreads,

Featured CD:
“American Road”

Click Here to see our press announcement

This marks our first collaborative release with Electronfarm Records, who is handling the digital distribution We look forward to many more.

Front Cover, Americn Road; An American Roots Acoustic Sojourn

To find out more about this fascinating artist, check out:   http://www.gary-paulmusic.com